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add some usage to README, also doc and improve shared key use/gen...

John-Mark Gurney 3 years ago
3 changed files with 78 additions and 8 deletions
  1. +25
  2. +52
  3. +1

+ 25
- 1
Makefile View File

@@ -58,6 +58,7 @@ SRCS+= rng_save.c
CFLAGS+= -I$(.OBJDIR) # for shared_key.h

# Strobe
.PATH: $(.CURDIR)/strobe
@@ -185,6 +186,26 @@ runbuild: $(SRCS)
runtests: Makefile $(LIBLORA_TEST) $(LIBLORA_TEST_SRCS)
ls $(.ALLSRC) | entr sh -c '(cd $(.CURDIR) && $(MAKE) $(.MAKEFLAGS) $(LIBLORA_TEST)) && ((PYTHONPATH="$(.CURDIR)" python -m coverage run -m unittest lora multicast loraserv && coverage report --omit=$(.CURDIR)/p/\* -m -i) 2>&1 | head -n 30)'

.if empty(IRR_KEY) && exists($(.CURDIR)/.irr_key)
IRR_KEY!= cat $(.CURDIR)/.irr_key

.PHONY: irrigation_key
@LANG=C tr -c -d a-zA-Z0-9 < /dev/urandom | dd bs=1 of=$(.CURDIR)/.irr_key count=32 2>/dev/null
@echo 'Irrgation key created and put into .irr_key.'

# make this a phony target so it's always run
# dependancies will only be made when it's updated
.PHONY: $(.OBJDIR)/shared_key.h
@if [ "$(IRR_KEY)" = "" ]; then echo 'Must provide IRR_KEY make variable or have a non-empty file ".irr_key".'; false; fi

@echo 'static uint8_t shared_key[] = {' $$(python -c 'import sys; print(", ".join(str(x) for x in sys.argv[1].encode("utf-8")))' $(IRR_KEY) ) "};" > shared_key.h.tmp
@echo 'static struct pktbuf shared_key_buf = (struct pktbuf){ .pkt = shared_key, .pktlen = sizeof shared_key, };' >> shared_key.h.tmp

(cmp shared_key.h.tmp shared_key.h >/dev/null 2>&1 && rm shared_key.h.tmp) || mv shared_key.h.tmp shared_key.h

# native objects
@@ -225,4 +246,7 @@ update-$($(module)_NAME):

ls $(.CURDIR)/ $(.CURDIR)/$(DIAG).getxt $(.CURDIR)/Makefile | entr sh -c 'cd $(.CURDIR) && $(MAKE) $(.MAKEFLAGS) $(DIAG).diag && cat $(MAKEOBJDIR)/$(DIAG).diag'
ls $(.CURDIR)/ $(.CURDIR)/$(DIAG).getxt $(.CURDIR)/Makefile | entr sh -c 'cd $(.CURDIR) && $(MAKE) $(.MAKEFLAGS) $(DIAG).diag && cat $(.OBJDIR)/$(DIAG).diag'

# hard coded dependancy for when "make depend" has not been run.
irr_main.o: $(.OBJDIR)/shared_key.h

+ 52
- 2 View File

@@ -74,14 +74,28 @@ which uses gcc as the compiler. It would be good to get it
cross-compile with clang as well, but that requires finding a libc like
the nano libc that is provided by the toolchain.

One of the required parameters of the build is the shared key used for
authentication. A random key can be made using the command:
`make irrigation_key`, or it can be provided via the make command by
setting the variable IRR_KEY.

Note: Both IRR_KEY and the argument to `` will encode the
provided key to UTF-8.

Once ARM's toolchain is in your path, the following should work:
export MAKEOBJDIR=build
bsdmake all
bsdmake all IRR_KEY=<sharedkey>

And in the directory `build`, a file `lora.irr.elf` should be present.
And in the directory `build`, two files, `lora.irr.elf` and
`` should be present. The file `lora.irr.elf` should be
flashed on the Node151 device that is used for interfacing to the
irrigation system as described in [Deploying](#deploying). The file
`` should be used on another Node151 that will be attached
to a computer used as the gateway which runs the `` software
as described in [Using](#using).

@@ -165,4 +179,40 @@ GND and JD-VCC should be connected to the 5V power supply, while VCC
is connected to VDD on the Node151, and INx pins to the respective
GPIO pins.


The `` requires at least Python 3.8. It also using the
strobe library that in distributed with this program. In general a
[virtualenv]( is recommended for
all installed Python software to prevent version conflicts, but is not
always necessary. The `requirements.txt` file contains the necessary
modules to be installed, but simply addeding the directory
`strobe/python` to PYTHONPATH is also sufficient.

The program `` takes a single argument, which is the device
file for the VCP that runs on the gateway. In my case, the device
name is `/dev/cu.usbmodem1451` as I am on my MacBook Pro, so the comand
to launch the gateway is simply:
python /dev/cu.usbmodem1451

Once that is running, then the `` program's multicast packets
will be forwarded out via the LoRa radio.

To test it, a simple `ping` command can be used, or turning on or off
the on board LED via channel 4 using the `setunset` command. The ping
python -s <sharedkey> ping

To turn off the LED (which defaults to on):
python -s <sharedkey> setunset 4 0

Either of these commands should exit w/o message or error.

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+ 1
- 5
irr_main.c View File

@@ -58,11 +58,7 @@ static uint8_t rxpkt[128];
static struct pktbuf rxpktbuf;
static volatile bool rxpktavail;

static uint8_t shared_key[] = "foobar";
static struct pktbuf shared_key_buf = (struct pktbuf){
.pkt = shared_key,
.pktlen = sizeof shared_key - 1,
#include <shared_key.h>

static struct comms_state cs;
