Solar Array and home energy dashboard.
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Solar Dashboard

This is a solar dashboard for displaying information about a solar install.


Running the program first involves setting up the environment via the command make env. This will setup a Python virtual environment and install the necessary pacakages.

Once the environment is setup, it can be configured by XXX.

To run the webserver, run the command make run, and that will launch a local webserver.



The front end is located in root. The meat of the logic is in js/solardash.base.js. The testing infrastructure is in js/solardash.file.jspp as if you are launching the page from a file url, there is no way to make a url to access the backend.


Make sure that the environment is setup with the make env command before running the following commands.

For testing the frontend, if you have a window running the command make keepupdate running, when you edit various files, things will automatically be regenerated as necessary.

For testing the backend, have a window running the command make test. This will automaticaly run the various tests for the backend, and provide code coverage results.