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about bookinfo.cgi

At the begining of 1998 I started reading books for personal pleasure after a long time of not reading. At this point I decided that I would aim to read a book each week. I managed to read over 60 books in 1998. I don't have a comletely listing for 1998 as I sold some of the books back to Smith Family Bookstore. I buy most of my books from Smith Family Bookstore because they have a LARGE selection and the books are inexpensive.

Book listing for the year of 1998, the year of 1999, before 1998

I do plan on doing more with this page. I will probably list authors and what I think about their writing alonge with improving my cgi so that you can get a listing of the authors I have read and other information.

Copyright © 1999-2002 by John-Mark Gurney.
All Rights Reserved.