Import python modules by their hash.
Vous ne pouvez pas sélectionner plus de 25 sujets Les noms de sujets doivent commencer par une lettre ou un nombre, peuvent contenir des tirets ('-') et peuvent comporter jusqu'à 35 caractères.

33 lignes
889 B

  1. [casimport]
  2. # List of priority to search for files to import
  3. #
  4. # Each item is a name of a section which defines the properties of that
  5. # item. This allows for multiple caches to be defines, such as a
  6. # read-only one vs a local writable one.
  7. module_prio = homecache, ipfsgw, https
  8. [homecache]
  9. # Default cache is in the user's home directory.
  10. type = cache
  11. path = ~/.casimport/cache
  12. #size = 30MB
  13. [ipfsgw]
  14. # The ipfs module converts ipfs://cidvX urls into a gateway call.
  15. # This could be configured to be the local ipfs gateway if you run
  16. # one. If the local gateway isn't running all the time, one could
  17. # configure a backup gateway that uses one of the common public
  18. # gateways:
  19. type = ipfs
  20. gateway =
  21. [https]
  22. # This is just to handle https requests. Without this, they won't be
  23. # resolved.
  24. type = https