Import python modules by their hash.
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889 B

  1. [casimport]
  2. # List of priority to search for files to import
  3. #
  4. # Each item is a name of a section which defines the properties of that
  5. # item. This allows for multiple caches to be defines, such as a
  6. # read-only one vs a local writable one.
  7. module_prio = homecache, ipfsgw, https
  8. [homecache]
  9. # Default cache is in the user's home directory.
  10. type = cache
  11. path = ~/.casimport/cache
  12. #size = 30MB
  13. [ipfsgw]
  14. # The ipfs module converts ipfs://cidvX urls into a gateway call.
  15. # This could be configured to be the local ipfs gateway if you run
  16. # one. If the local gateway isn't running all the time, one could
  17. # configure a backup gateway that uses one of the common public
  18. # gateways:
  19. type = ipfs
  20. gateway =
  21. [https]
  22. # This is just to handle https requests. Without this, they won't be
  23. # resolved.
  24. type = https